I consider infidelity as a conscious action taken by a person towards an additional person, despite already being involved with one person. The reason may vary, however I don’t think any are excusable, the severity of their impact maybe varied however that does not mean that they should be excused. However then the question rises, how do we punish one for being unfaithful? Many people seek vengeance, and try to use embarrassment as a weapon so that the culprit is shamed infront of the world, however in my opinion this is quiet an extreme thing to do, and although the culprit may deserve it, could lead to repercussions for the person seeking vengeance. I have heard many cases where the victim has cut the culprits clothes up, or urinated into their grooming products. I don’t personally know how I would react in such a situation where I was the victim as I have never been in that position; then again I have never been the culprit either. I think the mistake that culprits make often is to lie in order to cover up their infidelity however, I believe that the truth of any matter will at some point come out, and the situation will only become worse, as then then the culprit becomes guilty of deceit of two different types. All in all … JUST DON’T DO IT !!!
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